Mind Peace. Body Health.
Professional Counselling to heal your Life
Zone Treatment to heal your Body
Meditation to heal your Thoughts
Workshops to inspire your Mind
NZAC Registered Member
Trauma Informed Somatic Therapist
Jason is a Professional Counsellor for:
Age Concern Auckland
National Hauora Coalition
Thank you for helping me when i needed it the most. My health is so much better from when we last met. Things are going quiet well, and I am simply enjoying life now.

Living a happy, healthy life is the most valuable thing thing we can own. Anxiety, trauma, grief, confusion, depression, addictions and dilemmas all have a solution. The answer starts with just talking about it. Jason is a qualified Psychology Counselling specialising in feelings, behaviour and the subconscious mind. To feel lost means you are ready to be found.

Zone Treatment
Our bodies reflect what we hold in our mind, and our emotional, physical and mental health are a result of our experiences, self-identity and subconscious concepts of ourselves and our life. With the exception of injury, toxins and external influences, your body manifests your deeper mind. Zone Treatment balances your body through your spine and brain function so it can reset and heal.

Discovery workshops facilitated by Jason cover subjects such as ‘MindBody Zone Healing’ for an instructional-therapy-meditation based experience to heal your body and mind, to ‘Dream Wisdom’ so we can learn to understand our dreams, and workshops such as ‘Life Position’ and ‘The Psychology of Change’ in order we understand who we are in a changing world.

Jason holds deep mind meditation session independently or as part of workshops. Deep mind meditation is the most important experience of self-awareness and discovery. It allows us to silence the world around us and listen inwardly to our mind, and contemplate a happier and healthier life by detaching from our past and manifesting an energy of connection to a new future.
Amazing and unjudgemental. Jason actually listens to the concerns with empathy and treats you like a person rather than a hindrance, and gives helpful advice and guidance to help you better yourself.
about Jason
Jason is a Counsellor and Mind Therapist specialising in psychology counselling and zone treatment, caring for those experiencing stress, grief, health issues, life-changes and mental, emotional, physical and existential issues.
Jason uses holistic counselling, metacognition techniques, somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy and deep guided meditation to heal the mind, body and lives for over 30 years.
Mental Health. Physical Health. Life Health.

Psychology Counselling
NZAC Member. Trauma Informed. Holistic professional counselling for anxiety, grief, PTS and complex issues. Zone & Somatic therapy. In-home (most Auckland areas), online or at Remeura, Milford or Orekai.

Zone Treatment
Your physical health can be improved and your wellbeing restored by balancing your body zones to activate healing, immune strength and mental/physical resilience. Your mind heals your body.

Gentle deep meditative empowerment of your deep subconscious to release your programmed thoughts and behaviours. Reset to change anxiety, thoughts and concepts for a new conscious life.
let’s start…
Feel better. It starts with just talking…
There is an answer to every feeling, a reason for every behaviour. There is a way out of every trauma, and a way to heal every hurt. The human journey is complex. Grief is harder than words can say. Self value sometimes feels the hardest thing to find. Abuse is never – ever – the fault of the abused. Love is at the centre of all happiness, and fear is at the heart of all conflict. Every person, young and old, deserves to feel whole. Our life, minds, self-identity, bodies and emotions all tell a story that can unlock happiness and healing. The way to find your happiness simply starts with an online or in-person conversation.
Workshops, Groups, Meditations & Online Courses
MindBody Healing
Locations & Services
In-person at Remuera & Henderson, Auckland
At-home visits in Auckland
Monday & Friday
9AM - 7PM
Saturday - Sunday
10AM - 6PM
022 474 2550