Client Information Sheet
Important information all private, NHC, MSD or other clients.
Client Information Sheet
Honouring the coexistence of holistic mind-body psychology counselling and the Māori practice of the Tihei-wā Mauri Ora to find meaning, purpose and understanding to heal our collective whānau together
** This page is particularly important if you have been referred by NHC or your GP or Primary Health Organisation is facilitating a care funding package **
Your counselling sessions
NHC Counselling sessions consist of 4 consecutive sessions (unless extended with NHC approval). Counselling sessions are provided to you as a brief intervention service. Your counsellor will seek to provide support for your improved health for your mental, emotional, psychological, environmental, physical and holistic or spiritual state of being. In the framework of your preference your counsellor will seek to provide various therapies, offer insight and behavioural support, set goals and establish plans to build comprehension and capability for you as a client to better navigate and manage your feelings, your life and your personal circumstances.
All sessions must be completed within 12 weeks of the acceptance of counselling sessions to ensure delivery of care in a timely manner. Sessions will not be made more than 4 weeks apart as longer gaps may minimise the benefits of the brief intervention counselling service and impact the accessibility of your care package funding.
Your confidentiality
Counselling sessions are confidential. Session notes will be entered by the counsellor into the ‘Mohio’ client referral and management portal operated exclusively by National Hauora Coalition as a Primary Mental Health provider. Initial session notes and final discharge notes are accessible only by the counsellor, the referring GP and the NHC Primary Health Coordinator. As the client, you may be able to view this information via the GP provided external circumstances. Your counselling sessions will be maintained in strict confidentiality, except in circumstances where there is risk of harm to either yourself or others.
Booking your sessions
All 4 sessions are best agreed in terms of dates and times as best as possible between you and your counsellor at, or before, your first session. Your sessions are best arranged on a weekly or fortnightly basis to ensure the best opportunity for healthy outcomes for you. Pre-arranged and committed session times and dates allow your counsellor to maintain continuity of regular support. A regular, repeatable day and time agreed upon by you and your counsellor will work best to support best results for.
If you need to cancel a session
Cancellations must be made directly to the counsellor by phone call or text within 24 hours on 022 474 2550. Email cancellations are not guaranteed to confirm your cancellation. Cancellations within 24 hours will be considered a ‘DNA’ (where a client Does Not Attend) or forfeited by you at the discretion of the counsellor.
For further information about how your information is treated confidentially and also utilised for support of MindBody Healing services you can find more information on the terms pages of this website.
Next step: Submit your Counselling Consent Agreement.
The Counselling Contract Agreement gives consent to begin your counselling session and ensures you understand the confidentiality, rights and responsibilities for you and of your counsellor. All counsellors and health workers require clients to agree to mutual conditions for health and support.
View and submit your Counselling Contract Agreement.
Disclaimer & Terms of Use.