Healthy Mind Meditations

Guided Meditation Series for Balance and Harmony in Life

A healthy life is all about obtaining and maintaining balance and harmony that comes from a calm and centred mind that can perceive oneself, and the life we live, clearly. Awareness is all about perception, and we can live a healthy life perception of our self is balanced.

This guided meditation series focuses on letting go of all thoughts, stress and strain it will take us away from our centre point of inner peace.

Our physical and mental health are entirely connected to our mindset and emotional health. Observation, clarity and being present in our own life is the key to happiness.

You deserve happiness, health and peace. This series compliments Zone Therapy and Timeless Mind Healing. Try a meditation today.


for Balance & Harmony

Relaxation and peace are the most important things we can feel – especially now. If you need to just relax and give your body and mind the balance it needs to return to its ‘centre’ and support your mental and physical health, you will find peace here in this relaxation group.


for Insight & Awareness

Meditation also allows you to get in touch with the inner ‘you’. We are all energy first and foremostly. Our energy and our mind can work hand-in-hand to guide us through our lives, and help us experience greater insight and awareness. If this is for you, come along and just let go.


Take an Inner Journey

There is so much to experience within our minds. Deep meditation will not only allow your body and mind to reach new depths of awareness and rejuvenation, but you can begin to take an inward inward journey to places and levels of your consciousness filled with wonder and a deeper sense of wellbeing.

Guided Meditations

Just relax … Find balance & harmony …  Journey into deep inner awareness …

Our inner and outer health depends on balance and harmony. Come along to essential relaxation meditations and unwind, or attend sessions designed to take you on an inner journey of discovery. Whatever you are looking for, meditation is essential for inner awareness, insight, health and wellbeing.

Being relaxed is an essential part of meditation. The health benefits create a sense of wellbeing and create positive and often profound physical and psychological changes. However, meditation is more than just relaxation.

True meditation should be insightful. It is about letting go of our outer busy lives and using an openness of mind and intent to achieve meaningful communication with your inner mind – the part of you that is totally aware and centred at all times.

True meditation can be inspirational. It can give us answers; it can take us on a journey. The stillness of the outer mind allows our inner voice to speak, or an inner part of our psyche to show us dream-like views of what we need to see in order to find true peace and awareness. We are profound beings at our essence, and our inner mind can show us amazing things and important messages.

To help with achieving a more quiet and open state of mind, Jason uses a combination of guided visual instructions and subtle music and gentle frequencies to assist you to achieve balance and harmony.

*Audio programs, meditation audio, guided meditation, audio podcasts and any and all audio or video available from The Time Centre, the Elonias Foundation and their respective websites or other digital media sources or services should only be listened to only in a safe environment. Do not listen to any content available from The Journey Home website or any other platform or device or associated service whilst driving, operating machinery or any kind, or performing or conducting any other form of activity that requires your attention.

Healthy Mind Guided Meditations

Free Guided Meditations to inspire you, and more Guided Meditations for your Healthy Mind.

Listen and relax… Just let go… 

Listen now …

Guided Relaxation

To relax the mind and body is one of the most important things we can do – for our Inner Journey, as well as our health and our sense of well-being. How do we relax? The easiest way to relax is through guided visualisation. Our minds allow us to travel anywhere we can imagine, or remember. This guided mediation is designed to help your body relax, and then your mind, allowing you to find a place within that can always be a place you can return to when you wish – or need – to feel at peace.

Ocean's Edge Recharge

Take your mind to a place of inspiration and beauty. Stand in the light of the warm sun and okay out of the ocean of your mind and breathe. Follow this beautiful guided journey enjoy relaxed state of peace, rejuvenation and self-awareness. Experience the calm and beauty that can be found in the depths of your mind using your visualisation and the steady guiding voice of Jason and journey to a place of total relaxation.

Balance and Harmony

This is an essential short meditation for anyone wanting to balance their mind and find harmony. This meditation contains relaxing alpha binaural music. Balance and harmony is at the centre of all health and well-being. Use the equilibrium of emotions, thought and physical peace. Balance and harmony allows you to grow and become more then you could have imagined yourself to be. All things reach their potential when in a balanced state.

Access the Healthy Mind Series

Access, stream and enjoy every meditation in the Healthy Mind Series from anywhere for only $49.

Listen to Meditations

Click or press to access every meditation in The Healthy Mind Series. Sit back, relax and enjoy …

Break the Mirror and Be Free

When we eliminated what we no longer need, we open up an inner world of discovery and understanding. The greatest barriers to remembering are our beliefs and images we have of ourselves. They hold us back from recognising our true identity and our true purpose.  We must let go of all images if we are to be free of re-occurring issues, unwanted connections, emotional obstacles .. and unhappiness. Don’t you want to be free? Duration 20 mins

How to Relax in a Busy World

Relaxing in a busy world is so important for your health. Take control and release unwanted stress in your world. Achieving a calming silence. Relax your body and mind. Feel the calming flow of energy move through your body for peace to your mind. This Guided Meditation is designed to take you through a constant visualisation, beginning with soothing meditation music interlaced with calming low alpha tones, shifting to the restfulness of theta. At the end of this guided journey you will have time to spend in peace with the magic of your peaceful mind. Includes Alpha & Theta tones. Duration 23 mins

Just Breathe

It sounds simple enough, doesn’t it. But life is known to take our breath away sometimes. When it does, or we just feel we aren’t quite in a relaxed place, we need to stop… and breathe. This meditation is a very simple experience with a lot of space to do just that … find your breath and re-regulate your own rhythm of energy within your mind and body. There are two exercise I want to share, so your breathing becomes deep and strong, full of energy and vitality, relaxing and rejuvenating. Let’s go… Includes deep Theta in a gentle ocean. Duration 17 mins.

Library of Your Life

Would you like a message from your future? What if we could sit together in a library that contained everything you have ever done in the past … and in the future. And what if there was an important difference between your previous destiny .. and a new future? Do you have choices? How would you know? Perhaps you need to share this question with someone who knows the way. You have never had an experience like this before. Sit down in a comfortable chair, look at the bookshelves all around you, and listen to the warm fireplace. Let’s talk. Includes music and atmosphere. Duration 23 mins.

Solve Your Troubles Whilst You Sleep

Getting a restful sleep depends on how we feel, and the level of concerns or problems in our life. This Guided Meditation helps you let go of the troubles of your day, or your life, whilst you sleep. Carefully designed to seek out the gentle and reassuring wisdom, clarity and perspective of your subconscious. Your mind knows what is troubling you, and knows how to help you gain clarity and make decisions to deal with problems or a crisis. Your mind will always look after you. This guided meditation will instruct your inner mind to work on your problems whilst you slee and find the best way to let you know your answers. 14 mins meditation plus 30 mins restful theta music.

Stop Those Racing Thoughts

Welcome to a place where you will discover those things you are perhaps already all too familiar with – your own thoughts. You know, the ones you can’t slow down. The ones that keep going over and over. The ones you can’t stop when you want to meditate, or when you just want to relax. I am going to show you that quietening your mind is something you can do if you approach it in the right way. I will show you how you can quieten down your busy thoughts so you are able to relax, meditate or just enjoy a peaceful mind. Alpha tones. Duration 25 mins.

The Ups and Downs of Life

Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes the downs are so low we do not know how to find our way back to a better state of mind. When the ups are too high, all we want is to find balance and enjoy the ups in life without the fear they will soon disappear. The modern era of technology, social pressure and a humanity-wide tragic lack of mental and emotional support have arguably led to so many feelings of ‘disorder’ when the first step is about recognising the true nature one’s own mental and emotional reality, self identity and the reality of love. By being totally aware of the rollercoaster of life that we are upon you can learn to prevent judgement with the gift of observation, perception, strength… and love. This meditation is designed to help you find your centre point and give you the power back to be healthy of mind and spirit. Includes Alpha tones. Duration 22 minutes.

Walk Light in the Tunnel of Life

This meditation is designed to help us walk through our everyday life, especially when we feel we are struggling to cope or wondering how to endure the darkness or aloneness we find ourselves within. Life can feel like a tunnel that closes in around us. It can come from grief and loss, trauma or tragic and unwelcome life circumstances. This meditation will help you understand how to move through your own tunnel, and how you can walk towards the exit with the power of awareness and love. Jason’s meditation will help you feel the love and support you need when going through the difficult times in life. You can listen to this meditation sitting in a comfortable chair or even taking a walk. Be aware, be inspired and look forward. You deserve happiness. Includes gentle Alpha tones. Duration 30 mins.

Writing Your Own Future

What if we have the power to change the life written for us? What if we took control of our destiny? What would you choose? And more importantly .. where would we draw from to make that decision?  What if ‘who’ we are is only a result of who we have ever been .. and not the result of what we can be? What if even the future is designed to keep us on the pathway of the past? Maybe there’s a third option. Did you know the past, now and the future all connected? Even modern day physicists and mathematicians understand that time does not exist. Our mind has the power to change our lives, so enjoy this meditation and explore the experience to energise the future in a way that is positive. Align your mind and your life to a future that is New from within ‘you’. Duration 16 mins.

Improve Your Self Worth

Our self worth – or our self value – is a result of how we see ourselves. It effects how others see us, and even how the world treats us because the world, and everyone in it, is just listening to you. When we have control over how we respond to situations and people in our lives, our self worth is at the centre of how we relate. So what if you could improve your own self value? How good would that be! Is this possible? Yes. Improving your self worth has the power to make your life so much better, because you can feel and be different. Diane’s guided mediation will help increase your self worth so you can start becoming the best version of yourself you can be. Duration 18mins.

 The Journey Home podcasts on Spotify

24 inspiring episodes of the internationally acclaimed ‘The Journey Home’ show by Jason. Listen to each 56min episode covering topics about the mind, energy, the One of All, consciousness, life, mental and emotional health and the psychology of change and how to be best ‘You’ you can be. Each episode includes a special meditation to journey within and improve the quality of your journey through life. Listen here or on the OAR FM Radio Show podcasts.

*Audio programs, meditation audio, guided meditation, audio podcasts and any and all audio or video available from 'MindBody Healing', 'The Time Centre', 'The Elonias Foundation' and their respective websites or other digital media sources or services should only be listened to only in a safe environment. Do not listen to any content available from The Time Centre or Elonias Foundation websites, device or associated service whilst driving, operating machinery or any kind, or performing or conducting any other form of activity that requires your partial or full attention.

You can view all Conditions of Use of this website and its content here. and the Disclaimer and Terms here.

MindBody Healing

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Monday & Friday

9AM - 7PM

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10AM - 6PM


022 474 2550

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